Eggs are the main source of income for laying hens. Unlike broiler chickens, the main topic of raising laying hens is to improve the quality of eggs and maintain or increase the production of eggs, not to improve the quality of chicken. The shell of an egg accounts for 12% of the total weight of an egg, and the calcium content in the shell of each egg is about 3g. The calcium must be sufficient in the feed to meet such a high demand. The lack of calcium will lead to the decline of hens’ ability to produce egg and the increase of egg breakage rate, which endangers farm profits. In order to improve the yield of hens and reduce the rate of egg breakage, calcium supply should be checked during egg production. Feed is the main factor that determines the quality and strength of egg shell.
In the process of egg production, there are two extremely important stage of calcium supply: growth stage and later period of laying eggs. The ability of reabsorbing calcium of hen’s gut will decrease with age, this will exacerbate the stability of shell. It is estimated that about 7% of eggs cannot reach their destination in a good condition during transportation. Besides age, the condition of chicken house, genetic gene, egg collecting system and packing, the main factor that determines the quality of egg shell is feed. Animal nutrition experts cannot just make sure the adequate supply of calcium, the source of calcium is also important. Calcium formate is a good choice.
The major factor that effects the egg production and shell quality is the improper of calcium and phosphorus ratio for the feeding of laying hens. Whether calcium is high and phosphorus is low or in reverse, it will have adverse effects on the health, growth, egg production and shell quality of chickens. Usually the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in general diet should be 6-8:1.
If it is improper, it will lead to the production of thin or soft shell eggs. Due to the calcification of egg shells mainly occurs in the night before, therefore the intaking time should be extended appropriately in the evening. So feeding the chickens with calcium formate every evening can improve the quality of egg shell.
Laying hens need a lot of calcium to form their shells, and the lack of calcium in the diet can lead thin or soft eggs. One chicken intakes 50g-70g feed every day, while the utilization rate of calcium in feed is only 60%, so the calcium in feed is not enough.
Make use of calcium formate reasonably can not only improve egg production and reduce the rate of egg breakage, but also can extend egg production peak and the increase the weight of eggs, which will bring more benefits for the farm.